About us

Public Outdoor Creations specializes in developing and producing high-quality design concepts for (semi-)public spaces. All aspects of design, engineering, and production are carried out entirely in-house, providing us with flexibility and full control over the entire process.

Production takes place in our modern factory in Heeten (The Netherlands). From this location, we deliver a wide range of projects both within and beyond Europe. In addition to our extensive standard product range, we also develop numerous custom solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

With our own installation team, we can deliver turnkey projects and completely relieve our clients of all concerns, from design to installation.

Craftmanschip and experiences
Passion and eye for detail
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Compose and combine, that is the idea behind a unique design system for the public places of Public Outdoor Creations. The different products of Public Outdoor Creations are mutually combinable. This way you can design any product configuration you want. Besides that you can also combine product configurations with each other. This is the idea behind a unique design system for the public places.

Studio POC

Studio POC is a multidisicplinairy inhouse design studio that supplies design and consultancy services. You can contact us for product modifications, specials or studio work.

Design and consultancy services
Product development and product modifications
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POC - the partner for your tailor-made project

POC is your partner for customised projects. With our own design department and a huge product team, we’re able to deliver your customised project with minimal intermediaries. We’re always happy to find creative solutions together with you, and we apply our knowledge and experience to translate your ideas into a public-space project.

All aspects in-house, from welding and construction work to carpentry
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Our green ambition

With the Trees For Bench Project, we are underscoring our ambition to be the world’s most sustainable manufacturer of outdoor furniture. Together with local people, we intend to create our own POC forest in a deforested area at the edge of the rainforest. We will start by planting 4.5 hectares of trees – but our ambition extends much further. We have formalised this ambition in five sustainability principles. Click here to download our five sustainability principles. For more information on the POC Trees For Bench Project, click here.

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POC Carbon Zero Solutions

Public Outdoor Creations heeft als doelstelling om de meest duurzame producent van straatmeubilair in de wereld te zijn. Met de introductie van het Carbon Zero programma zijn wij leidend in onze sector en klaar voor 2050.

Kiest u voor Carbon Zero dan houdt dit in dat:

Onze producten gemaakt worden van C02 neutraal geproduceerd (CorTen) staal

De zittingen zijn gemaakt van hoogwaardig Bamboe dat in 5 jaar groeit en tot 36x meer zuurstof produceert dan hardhout

Wij lokaal produceren en alle elektriciteit die nodig is voor de productie zelf wordt opgewekt

Alle indirecte C02 die vrijkomt bij de productie en het transport gecompenseerd wordt  door het aanplanten van bomen in ons eigen POC bos in Brazilië.