Merger of Public Outdoor Creations and Elders Metaal

After 10 years of successful collaboration, Elders Metaal and Public Outdoor Creations have decided to join forces.

This merger marks a significant milestone in the rich history of both organizations. Elders Metaal, with roots dating back to 1902, has grown from a local village blacksmith to a modern manufacturing company. Since its establishment in 2015, Public Outdoor Creations has developed into a leading (international) player in the public and semi-public space. The merger creates a future-proof company focused on delivering innovative solutions for semi-public and public spaces. The familiar faces and individual brands – Elders Metaal, Public Outdoor Creations, and PicnixX – will continue to exist after the merger. This strategic move strengthens their combined market position and underscores their shared mission: delivering high-quality and sustainable solutions for semi-public and public spaces.

Maarten Snoek & Martijn Elders

Climate Tree Box Modules

Public Outdoor Creations is pleased to introduce you to the ‘Climate Tree Box Modules’. This is an innovative self-regulating tree box that is partially installed at ground level and also serves as water storage. The Climate Tree Box Modules are designed to be placed above cables and pipes and can be connected to the rainwater drain. This allows rainwater to be collected and reused for planting.

Mobile bridge park Izegem

Public Outdoor Creations realises the largest mobile bridge park in Europe. In total, more than 90 Mobile Gardens in various configurations were delivered for this project in Izegem (Belgium). This result in more than 1700 m2 of biodiversity. With the realisation of this project, this bridge has been transformed from a concrete traffic artery into a pleasant residential area.

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NEW: Curved Mobile Gardens

We are delighted to introduce a new product to our collection. The Mobile Curved Gardens are movable islands that can be easily linked together. This allows for any desired configuration to be created. The islands are simple to implement and relocate.

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ASLA conference Minneapolis (USA)

For the third time in a row, we presented our collection at the ASLA conference. We were very pleased with the interest in our modular street furniture collection. At our booth, various products were displayed, including the Stage Curved Double and a tree planter equipped with the Root Care system. We would like to thank everyone for visiting this fair and for the interesting conversations we were able to have.

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The NEW Catalogue

It is with pride that we launch our NEW catalog. Over 20 new models have been added to the collection. Click here to download the brochure or request a hardcopy via the contact page

Customised roof garden with PicnixX

Recently Public Outdoor Creations has realised this beautiful roof garden. For this project we delivered decking, CorTen steel raised borders, a jules de boules court and PicnixX furniture.

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Bespoke benches and hockers in Leuven (Belgium)

Recently Public Outdoor Creations realised this project in Leuven (Belgium). A spectacular bespoke curved bench with hocker improved the outdoor area of the University of Leuven. This configuration results a cosy and inviting place to stay. In our view a good example how impactful street furniture could be.

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CorTen steel borders and water feature boost quality of life in Utrecht

Public Outdoor Creations has supplied the city of Utrecht with a CorTen steel water feature that is 30 metres in length. The water feature is fitted with our patented Aqua Care water system. This is a sustainable, low-energy and low-maintenance extensive system that cleans the water in part with natural bacteria in the subterranean water basin. The combination of the borders with the seating elements and the water feature will provide a tremendous boost to the outdoor environment in the Kanaleneiland district. Public Outdoor Creations also took care of the installation of the water feature and the borders.

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A mobile park in The Netherlands

At the end of last year, Public Outdoor Creations greened the market square of Nuth with a mobile park. In total, almost 50 tree and plant containers were delivered for the newly renovated market square. Cable and pipes made a fixed landscaping impossible. Furthermore, the furnishing elements can be moved in case of an event. In this project, large tree planters, large planters with combined sitting edge, low planters, bicycle racks and litter bins were delivered which form a nice varied whole.

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Bespoke 3-D border bench

We recently installed a 20-metre-long custom-built 3-D borderbench in the South of The Netherlands. The border is made from treated steel with double layered powder coating in CorTen look.

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The Longest Bench in London

We recently delivered and installed a 30-metre-long custom-built bench in central London. The wood was specially cut for this bench using a 3D CNC router. The frame was made from treated stainless steel and fitted with anti-skate strips. The contractor is now putting the finishing touches on the project, including planting.

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POC Carbon Zero Solutions

Public Outdoor Creations heeft als doelstelling om de meest duurzame producent van straatmeubilair in de wereld te zijn. Met de introductie van het Carbon Zero programma zijn wij leidend in onze sector en klaar voor 2050.

Kiest u voor Carbon Zero dan houdt dit in dat:

Onze producten gemaakt worden van C02 neutraal geproduceerd (CorTen) staal

De zittingen zijn gemaakt van hoogwaardig Bamboe dat in 5 jaar groeit en tot 36x meer zuurstof produceert dan hardhout

Wij lokaal produceren en alle elektriciteit die nodig is voor de productie zelf wordt opgewekt

Alle indirecte C02 die vrijkomt bij de productie en het transport gecompenseerd wordt  door het aanplanten van bomen in ons eigen POC bos in Brazilië.